Driving is a privilege many of us utilize every day of our lives, and Colorado is one of the most beautiful states to drive, whether you’re commuting to the office or headed out for an adventure in the mountains. This state now has over 4.1 million licensed drivers, which can make for crowded roadways and also increases the chances of accidents. In 2018 alone, Colorado had an average of 334 car accidents per day.
While car accidents may be common, dealing with the aftermath of one is anything but simple — especially if you or a loved one were injured in the crash. For over 27 years, personal injury attorney Edward Smith has been guiding individuals and families through the legalities of taking care of their injuries and recovering damages and is here to help you do the same.
Following an accident, it can be confusing and overwhelming trying to determine which steps to take next. If you’ve recently been involved in an accident on the road in Longmont or Boulder, Colorado, there are some important actions to be aware of that will serve your best interests in the long run. Some of these may be obvious, but others not so much. Adhering to this list is key to protecting you and laying a foundation for a case to be compensated to help your recovery:
It’s likely that your phone will start ringing with calls from the insurance companies (yours and the other driver’s) before you’ve had a chance to think through anything. While you should cooperate to a degree, don’t speak with them concerning any details — their negotiators are trained to get you to blunder, even possibly admit fault, so they can pay out as little as possible. Let your legal advocate handle the insurance companies to avoid miscommunications that could pose an adverse risk to the outcome of your claim.
When you’re already dealing with pain and suffering, the last thing you need is to have complicated legal processes piled onto your plate. By choosing to work with a personal injury attorney, you’ll be able to focus on what matters most — your recovery.
After an accident, things become stressful quickly. Between calls from insurance companies, medical bills piling up, time off work, and trying to recuperate, you may be understandably overwhelmed by it all. The good news is, you don’t have to take it all on alone. Edward Smith has been helping individuals and families in the Longmont and Boulder, Colorado areas for over 27 years. As a former insurance attorney, he really understands what it takes to fight for fair compensation after a car accident that helps you cover the cost of your recovery and repair damaged property.
His firm, The Law Offices of Edward Smith LLC, offers free consultations. So don’t wait to reach out for the legal guidance and support you need to move forward. If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident in Boulder County, contact attorney Edward Smith today.