Longmont Slip and Fall Lawyer

Longmont Slip & Fall Lawyer

Secure the justice you deserve after a slip and fall accident.

Empower Your Claim in Longmont with an Experienced Slip And Fall Lawyer


Slip and fall can lead to serious injury, especially for those who already have pre-existing conditions, such as an elderly person with a bad hip. When your fall is caused by negligent behavior, meaning that the property owner knew about unsafe conditions and did nothing to correct them, you are entitled to make a personal injury claim against the company or person involved.

If you’re in Longmont and have been injured in a slip and fall accident, consulting with a slip & falls lawyer in Longmont can help you understand your legal options and pursue a claim for compensation. Speak with our qualified slip and fall attorney today!


Call or Text Edward Right Now for a Free, Immediate Consultation at 303-682-2944 or message us online here.

Slips and falls can happen for many reasons, such as:

  • A restaurant forgets to put a slippery when wet sign up after mopping
  • A public sidewalk is uneven
  • A resident or business fails to shovel snow and remove ice from the path people will use to enter the building
  • A business has uneven floors and fails to correct this or place proper signage within a reasonable amount of time
  • A parking garage has dim lighting that makes it hard to see
  • At The Law Offices of Edward Smith LLC, our Longmont slip and fall lawyer has been helping people across Colorado receive just compensation in personal injury claims for over 30 years. We can represent you if you or a loved one has sustained an injury resulting from a slip and fall on someone else’s property. If you are looking for a slip & falls attorney in Longmont then look no further!

    Call or Text Edward Right Now for a Free, Immediate Consultation about personal injury cases at 303-682-2944 or message us online here.

    Proving Liability with a Slip And Fall Lawyer

    The proof falls on you, the plaintiff, to show that the defendant reasonably could have known about and prevented the issue that caused your fall. If you slip and fall in a place where you would expect to be reasonably safe, it’s crucial to write down details and witnesses’ contact information so that this can be used by your attorney when building your case.

    Conditions of the fall are also taken into consideration. For instance, if you were injured after slipping on a park sidewalk while intoxicated, your case is weakened, and liability will be harder to prove. Consulting with a slip and fall lawyer can help you understand how these factors may impact your case.

    It is also important to note that the property owner must have acted deliberately or negligently. If an employee at a fast food restaurant spills a drink and fails to clean it up or posts a wet floor sign, or if you trip and have a fall accident, you will be able to make a claim against them. However, if you slipped on your own spilled drink, not so much.

    Proving liability can be tough, especially if there is no surveillance footage or witnesses to back up your story. It might simply come down to your word against the property owner’s. You will not want to handle filing and defending a personal injury claim by yourself; instead, you should hire an experienced Longmont slip and fall attorney who has dealt with these kinds of cases before and knows what kind of evidence to look for in these situations.

    Don’t Wait: Take Action with a Longmont Slip and Fall Lawyer to File Your Claim Now

    It is important to act quickly before evidence is lost or the statute of limitations is met. Meet with an experienced slip and fall lawyer today for a free consultation, and he will review the facts of your case with you to see if a claim can be made. Our attorney’s insider knowledge of insurance companies and premises liability will work toward earning you the settlement you deserve for your serious injuries, suffering, medical bills, or loss of wages incurred during your recovery.

    To learn more about those we’ve helped in the past, check out our case results. Call or Text Edward Right Now for a Free, Immediate Consultation at (303) 682-2944 or message us online here.

    more about our services

    Experienced Representation for Your Personal Injury Needs

    At The Law Offices of Edward Smith, LLC, we provide dedicated legal representation for a wide range of personal injury cases. Some of the practice areas we specialize in include:

    Makes All the Difference

    Choosing the Right Attorney

    If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident or through slip and fall, hire a Longmont personal injury attorney who prides himself on providing one-on-one individual attention to his clients.

    • Millions Recovered If we don’t recover money for you, you owe nothing. There is absolutely NO Risk to get us involved.
    • Home & Hospital Visits If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you. We provide home and hospital visits if personal injuries keep you from being able to visit our office.
    • Work with us Remotely We make it easy to hire Longmont personal injury attorneys quickly and remotely from the comfort of your home.
    • Gives Personal Attention Unlike other personal injury accident law firms that hand off your case to an associate or even a paralegal, Edward will handle your case personally.
    • Former Insurance Attorney Edward worked for insurance companies, so he knows their tactics to keep the value down.
    • 30 Years of Experience An insurance company has experienced attorneys on their side and you should too.

    If you or a loved one have been injured in any of these types of accidents, contact us today for a free consultation with a slip and fall lawyer. Our experienced team is here to fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.

    Attorney Edward Smith


    Edward Smith is a personal injury attorney with 30 years of experience. He provides one-on-one attention to his clients, personally handling every case from start to finish. Before founding his law firm, he worked as a defense attorney for insurance companies, giving him unique insight into their tactics. Specializing in personal injury cases, Edward offers free consultations and even visits clients at home or in the hospital when needed. He is known for his responsiveness, dedication, and commitment to maximizing his clients’ claims. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]

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